Thursday, February 19, 2009

This aint no scene

Fall Out Boy concert was on the 17th feb this year,
support acts:
Hey Monday:
Amazingly well done,not many female leads can pull off such songs.
favourite song:
How you love me now.
All American Rejects:
soooooo energetic ,the guitarist was crazy!!
favorite song:
Dirty little secret
Fall Out Boy:
not much else can describe the amazingness
favourite song:
all songs were amazing but my personal favourite was
three words to describe that night
anyone else who saw them in a different state please comment.
what was it like?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is it possible He's Just Into You?

For valentines day i went out with a couple of friends to a movie,
that movie was:
He's Just Not That Into You
the first thing i noticed bout this movie is there is three different actresses called jennifer.
well the movie was basically about how girls think that if guys act like jerks, they like you.
i don't now about you but if guys act like jerks to me, i have no further interest in them.
so the main scheme of th moive for me personally was a bit bleak,but some people might of grown up being told that if little boys kick sand and you face and tell you that your stupid,they obviously like you.(no brainer?)
Also no matter ho he tried to deflect the cliche of a chick flick,it did bounce up a couple of areas.
numero uno:
the gay work mates-
you need proof? just watch this clip
The paranoid/crazy wife-
Her husband told her that he cheated on her,and yet she threw him out because he was smoking?
The dramatic scene ,where she leaves crying and he ends up feeling horrible,and suprisingly finds out he loves her.
OMG shes a fricken weirdo who calls eveytime she has guy problems,its ok to be frusterated sometimes, shes always there being annoying.
cousins/fathers saying innaproprite/lovely things when there relatives are getting down.
her dad said that she was his favourite daughter, at her sisters wedding!
and weirdo random cousins hitting on her,
well in the end everyone got the guy/girl,except for the mistress, and crazy wife, and hoebag man,
I suggest you see this
and tell me what you think,beacuse frankly i was not entirley impressed.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

two words,
three syllables,

also its valenines day tomorrow!

and i got a fantastical valentine!

so happy right now!

and not to mention excited !


*spreads happiness like jam,all round!*

dorkasaur out!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

v.v promising..

the "twilght" star and soon to be "New Moon" star Taylor Lautner has been working out for his look for Jacob Black,

(big,big,big guy totally ripped etc.)

anyway he does look totally ripped..

Robert Pattinson has competion in the body department,
if only Taylor didn't have a face that looked like a lab of cement with footprints in it....
*shakes head in disapointment*

anyway lost the link for the pic/video but im sur if you google it ,it will pop up somewhere...

-dorkasau out :)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

can't wait for dirty laundry

is it just me?
or are you also exicted about desperate housewives coming back on tv?

I know ,i know its a bit clich'e but insanely addcitive.

Friday, January 30, 2009


scandalous much??
i mean he's shirtless for goodness's sake!
dunno if this is fake or not what do you think??

Monday, January 26, 2009

love letters

Dear KK,
you have weakend me,
I can't deny it any longer.
YOU have made me weak.
and i have come to accept the one thing of which i though i would have,
and disbelieved,
you ave changed my religion,my call.
my ness.
and now i know longer know what is me,
or how to act.
I hate it.
my inner self has dispeared,for i can longer see who i am or
who im suppose to be.
you made me controllable.
i am tamed
can i be hurt now?
can i cry.
not for pain,but saddness?
I am crazy,
deluded and obesssed.
and although everyone has said it ,
i didn't listen untill it was too late.
not just for now,or today.
nobody has ever made me question myself like you.
i am ruined,i am broken
I am stuffed.
nobody will take me now
-dorkasaur out :(