The popular novel "twilight " was released in movie form yesterday in Australia.
With lead stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, too very talented actors.
As most people know the movie is about a teenager ,Bella The new girl at school.Who starts to have an infatuation with a god like boy at her school.
The movie was highly expected to be one of the most highly rated films of the year.
To tell you that I was not thrilled with the performance of the main actress.
Bella(Stewart) seemed to have the emotional range of a brick wall.Seriously i would rather go stare at the bathroom tiles than watch her performance again.
and Edward(Pattinson) was an almost perfect , gorgeous vamp.
He blew me away with his amazing attention to detail and skill.
He did way better than the expectations for Kristen , and the former Harry Potter star should have more scripts being sent his way soon.
Jacob Black (Talor Lautner) did an amazing performance for such a short role despite his ugly long hair.
The energy he put in his character was great, and I look forward to seeing him in the next film.
The Camera angles were quite good at some parts and but the some of the special effects and action shots do need dome work, hopefully that will be worked out with the new director and all.

the twilight cast
awwe come on bree
stewart wasn't that bad
she has more emotions then bathroom tiles
a cactus would be an apt description
love you
'despite his ugly long hair'
omg i know right
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